Stuttgart, Kansas

(Located 8 miles west of Phillipsburg, on U.S. 36 Highway)

established February 6, 1888

Population 45 (plus or minus a few)

Stuttgart's beginnings can be traced back to the arrival of homesteaders in the early 1870's when the entire area was nothing but unsettled prairie, inhabited by Indians and buffalo. From beginnings in dugouts and small log cabins, Stuttgart grew to be a bustling farm town with a Hotel, Tavern, Cafe, Bank, Movie Theater, Barber Shop, Post Office, Lumber Yard, Grocery Store, Train Depot, Elevators, Service Stations, Black Smith's Shop, Creamery, Two Lutheran Churches, Public School, Men's Baseball Team, and More....

 Blacksmith's Shop owned by Kellerman Garage

...Today, Stuttgart has one Lutheran Church, a Grain Elevator, an Auto Repair Shop, a Service Station with Fuel Delivery Service, a Photography Studio, and Several Home Operated Businesses.

Emmanuel Lutheran Church - ELCA


More Modern Day Stuttgart Photos

 1888 to 1988 Centennial History of Stuttgart

First Settlers

Dugout Home Lived in by early Stuttgart Settler

Historical Photos of Stuttgart

Emmanuel's First Church Building

Emmanuel's Second Church Building

Kellerman Store

Farmers State Bank

The Stuttgart Band

G. E. Woodard Blacksmith Shop



Clarpolk Midi